The Bento Methodology

Time for Better Priorities not More Tasks.

The Bento Methodology is a timeless system designed to upgrade your task management, not replace any to-do list apps you have.

The premise of the course is to help you prioritise your tasks using a system, instead of an "all-you-can-eat" approach to your task management.

Unlock the Bento system with our course today!

🍱 Unlock the the Bento Methodology

🚀 The Story Behind the Bento Methodology

The Bento Methodology was born from... birth.

Francesco had a baby.

And his task list became precious as his time became much more condensed.

With that little timer he had just introduced into his routine.

He decided to better prioritise. And from that prioritisation, the system was born. A simple system for him to use daily to pack a "Bento Box" for his work for the day ahead spanned into energy management, better priority management and the Bento system.

Skip forward 3 years.

Baby Otto is now a toddler and hundreds have embedded the Bento system into their daily to-do list management with apps like Todoist, Akiflow & many more.

Francesco uses this system daily in his task management.

👩🏾‍🏫 What's Inside the Course?

The Bento Methodology 2.0 is an all-new course to help you better manage your priorities.

The mission is to help you reformat how you task manage and how you better manage your prioritise instead of consuming millions of tasks daily.

This course is designed not only for individuals, but teams to embrace a more effective and healthy approach to manage workflows and workloads.

Here's what's inside?

  • A comprehensive guide to the Bento system
  • Practise and principles to layer on top to enhance practice
  • Tools and systems for implementing the Bento system

Get Prioritising Today!


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